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DropZone – Copy And Move Files To Specified Folders via Drag & Drop

Sometimes we require copying or moving files to a specific folder which is located inside a complex folder hierarchy. While creating a shortcut may help us avoid this problem, creating too many shortcuts can eventually clutter up the desktop. DropZone is a portable application (installer package also available), which provides customizable windows supporting drag & drop behavior to quickly copy or move files to specified folders.  After dropping files or folders to a Drop Zone window, a menu displays the paths to which you wish to move or copy the file. This process can help you configure several  paths, allowing you to quickly copy or move files to destination folders. You can also create multiple drop zones by making copies of the DropZone.exe file. Each drop zone can be configured independently to move or copy files to different directories.

When you launch the application, it shows DropZone window on the desktop. Now drag files/folders over to drop zone window, it will ask you to specify target folder C:/Program Files or C:/Windows to start copying selected files. By default, the Program Files and Windows directory in the C Drive are configured but you can change these paths and add custom folders by editing the INI file. Once a path is selected, the files will be automatically transferred to target location.

Copy or Move

To configure options, right-click on the DropZone window and select Edit Settings.

Edit Settings

This will open the INI file where you can make changes according to your requirements. For example, you can change DropZone window’s width and height , place it on top of other windows and set file operation; copy, move or prompt for an action to be performed when a file is dropped. You can add custom target folder paths at the bottom of the INI configuration.


DropZone works on Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.

Download DropZone


  1. 1st choice: http://www.interdesigner.com/freeware/IntelligentCopier/ is one of the best tools
    2nd recommandation would be copyhandler

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