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How to edit an SVG icon color on Windows 10

SVG files aren’t commonly found online. If you work in design though, you likely run into quite a few of them. These files are vector files that can be scaled without losing their quality. Designers have tools that can open and edit them. If you need to edit an SVG icon’s color but you don’t have an app for the job, use Norde Source. It’s a free, open-source app that makes it incredibly easy to edit the color or colors in an SVG file, and export it either as an SVG file, or a PNG, JPG, or WEBP file.

Edit an SVG icon color

Download Norde Source. It’s available for Windows, macOS, and Linux. Install and run the app and click the ‘Add Icons’ button. Select the icons/SVG files that you want to edit. They will all be grouped into a ‘Set’ which helps to keep them organized.

When you import multiple icons, you will see a ‘Color’s section and under it, you will see all the colors detected in the icons. Click a color e.g., black, and a color picker will open.

Use the color picker to select the color that will replace the original color. This will replace that color for all icons in the set, wherever it occurs. You can also enter a color using its RGB and HEX values. That’s all you need to do. You will see the change in color reflected live in the icon’s preview. When you’re ready, select an icon to export and click the Export button.

By default, the app will export the icon in SVG format but you can open the Export Type dropdown and select a different format to export the file to. If you have zero design skills and you do not know how common design tools work, this app is the easiest way to edit an SVG file. There are smarter, more capable apps that can do all this but they’re likely to be paid, and/or difficult to learn.

You can change any of the colors that the app detects. If you’ve replaced a color once, it can be replaced again and again. All you have to do is select it from the swatch of colors and pick a different one in the color picker.

Norde Source never changes the color of the original file. It always asks to export the new icon. If you choose to overwrite the original file when you’re exporting the icon, that is up to you.

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