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How to get simple sticky notes on the desktop on Windows 10

Windows 10 has a Sticky Notes app which replaced the app of the same name from Windows 7. The app is reasonably good though it doesn’t exactly compete with Evernote or even OneNote. Regardless, it is built on the sticky notes concept and it does it well. If you want simpler sticky notes on the desktop, those that were more like the ones in Windows 7, you can use a free app called DesktopNoteOK.

Sticky notes on the desktop

Download DesktopNoteOK and run it. The first thing you’ll see is the app’s configuration window and you should definitely go through the settings on it before you start using the app.

For one, you need to change the text color. Set it to black. Next, change the color of the sticky note. By default, it is set to use a random dark color which doesn’t look bad but you can set it to use a random light color, or set a single color to be used for all your notes.

Next, you should set the Theme to Simple as it’s the best, visually. This decides the look of the note interface.

The notes that you create do not automatically stick to the top of your screen however, each note has a pin button at the top that lets you pin it to the top. The plus button lets you add a new sticky note and like all sticky notes, these can be dragged, and resized.

One impressive feature of the app is that each note has a lightning bolt icon which, when clicked, allows you to export the note to the Notepad or Wordpad.

If you want, you can also change the transparency of the note but there is no option to set it so that it’s pinned to the top but also click-through.

DesktopNoteOK is basic and one reason you’d use it over the Sticky Notes app is that it isn’t a UWP app. It can export notes to any text editor of your choice and it’s much closer to the concept of digital sticky notes than Sticky Notes itself. It’s not without its flaws though. The buttons on the note that allow you to add a new note, pin a note, export a note, or close a note are difficult to make out on some of the colors. If you decide to use the app long term, find a pastel color that makes the buttons easier to see.

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