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How To Resize And Move Partition Without Losing Data In Windows

Editor’s Note: We have covered three posts so far on the topic of partition, you can find the latest one here. It is not an easy topic, one wrong critical action can lead to your data being lost. Before beginning, I would recommend that you make a backup of your important files, just in case something goes wrong. If you don’t have any space to make backup on your hard disk, you can backup online for free using Mozy, they provide 2Gb of free space which is enough for an ordinary user.

Partition Manager(Home Edition) is a free utility for Windows that lets you create, delete, format, resize, and move partition instantly. It works on 32-bit version of Windows only, 64-bit is not supported in free version. It supports up to 1.5TB of Hard Disk.

Resizing/Moving partition using this tool is a piece of cake, just right-click the drive and select Resize/Move from the list of options. If you have multiple hard disks, they will be labeled as Disk1, Disk2, and so on.

resize, move partition in windows 2

Now on the disk map you will see the total size of the partition, the used space(highlighted in yellow) and the free space(highlighted in grey). You can resize your partition easily by dragging the partition handler on the left and right side of the disk map.

resize or move partition

Once you have resized your partition, the space you have freed will be made unallocated.  Now you can use this unallocated space to create a new partition or add it with another drive. To create a new partition, simply right-click the unallocated space and select Create.

creating new partition

Now give this new partition a name, select the file system, choose drive letter, and let the Cluster size remain as default(if you are an average user).

create partition

When all settings are done, click OK and your new drive will be ready to use. Enjoy!

1 Comment

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