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How to Download The Original Microsoft FreeCell on Windows 10

Microsoft used to have a few games installed out-of-the-box on older version of Windows. These games were simple card games but they became exceptionally popular.

With Windows 10, Microsoft retired its popular games. Instead, Windows 10 had Candy Crash which is a third-party game and no one really likes it. There is no shortage of third-party card games that users can install on Windows 10 but if you’re nostalgic for the original Microsoft FreeCell game, you can still download it.

Original Microsoft FreeCell on Windows 10

The Original Microsoft FreeCell for Windows 10

FreeCell was one of the card games that came pre-installed on Windows 7. If your internet was ever down, it was the go-to game to play to pass time. 

Download Microsoft FreeCell for Windows 10

Microsoft is aware the FreeCell was a much-loved game which is why the company re-released it as a UWP app. In doing so, it changed the UI so much that the app is impossible to recognize. To get the original game, you must turn to third-party software repositories.

  1. Download Microsoft FreeCell from Archive.org.
  2. Extract the ZIP file. 
  3. Run the EXE with admin rights.
  4. Select a language.
  5. Uncheck all the games except FreeCell (you can install the other games as well by keeping them checked).
  6. Click Install.
  7. Run the game from the Start menu.


These games were originally meant to run on Windows 7 but many Windows 7 apps that have not been upgraded still run fairly well on Windows 10. These particular games are compatible with the latest version of Windows 10. The UI is the same and no changes have been made to the game under the hood.

If you’re worried the games or the EXE file isn’t safe, you can run it through a VirustTotal scan. We scanned the EXE file at the time of writing this post and found it was safe.

Other game titles that you can install from the package available on Archive.org include Minesweeper, Chess, Mahjong, Solitaire, and Spider Solitaire. 


There are plenty of third-party games for every single one that Microsoft developed and included by default in Windows 7. Most of them are free and a small subset is paid. The only problem is that few, if any, offer users the same distraction-free, clean UI that the original FreeCell from Microsoft game did.

Users who are looking to run the legacy game aren’t always doing it because they’re nostalgic. The games were great for casual fun and it is a shame Microsoft abandoned them in favor of third-party games that users would prefer to keep off their systems. 


  1. I have been enjoying the Classic Free Cell game for years and it’s suddenly gone …even the icon. I will pay to get it back if necessary.

  2. You people are obviously on a complete control freak kick. The “game” of FreeCell is no longer fun, but damn near impossible in far too many cases! What’s the point???
    Yes, it’s a challenge but just dammed annoying Farr too many times. Just remember, most people don’t have all day to play games as you obviously do!!!

  3. hmm.. everytime Win 10 does a major release, it removes the Win 7 Game pack and you have to reinstall it… fortunately – the game statistics are remembered.

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