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How To Open Screen Sketch With Print Screen On Windows 10

Windows has long been criticized for not having a good screenshot tool. Compared to macOS, it still lacks in a lot of areas. Windows does have the Snipping tool, and it’s been a part of Windows since before Windows 7. Unfortunately, it isn’t as easy to open as a screenshot tool ought to be. In Windows 10, Microsoft added the Win+Print Screen keyboard shortcut that takes a screenshot and saves it automatically. It’s been a great addition and come the next feature update, you will have a far better screenshot tool called Screen Sketch. By default, the Screen Sketch tool opens from the Action Center, or via the Win+Shift+S keyboard shortcut. It’s hardly intuitive. You can open Screen Sketch with Print Screen though. All you have to do is tweak a little setting.

This feature is only available on Windows 10 Insider Build 17704. It will be part of the next major feature update which is expected to arrive in fall this year. If you want to try it out yourself, you need to join the Windows 10 Insider Program.

Screen Sketch Print Screen

Open the Settings app and go to the Ease of Access group of settings. Go to the Keyboard tab. Scroll down to the section called Print Screen Shortcut. Here, turn on the Use the PrtScn button to open screen snipping.

Screen snipping refers the new Screen Sketch app that Microsoft is adding. It’s available in the Microsoft Store now but unless you’re part of the Insider program, you won’t be able to download it.

The change in the keyboard shortcut might require a system restart. If it doesn’t start working right away, restart your system and the change ought to take affect.

This in no way replaces the Win+Print Screen keyboard shortcut, nor does it interfere with the feature. You can still use the Win+Print Screen keyboard shortcut to take a screenshot of the entire screen and save it to your Pictures folder.

The new Screen Sketch tool is going to be replacing the Snipping tool which, as nice as it was, needs to retire. The Screen Sketch app lets you screenshot a specific area of your screen, crop screenshots, draw and annotate them, and more. It seems to be missing a feature that allows users to take a time delayed screenshot which is rather essential. Perhaps by the time the feature rolls out to the stable channel, this shortcoming will have been addressed. If not, most people will continue using third-party screenshot tools like they always have.

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