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How to view ping on the system tray on Windows 10

Ping is a small, but incredibly important component of internet connectivity. You may have a fast connection and lots of bandwidth but if your ping is high, you will ultimately have a poor browsing experience and an absolutely miserable gaming experience with online games.


Ping can vary; it may be low or high during the course of a day or even during an hour and this points to an unstable internet connection (among other things). We’ve gone over how you can set up alerts for high ping on Windows 10. Here’s how you can view live ping on the taskbar on Windows 10.

View ping on system tray

In order to view the ping on the system tray, you need to use an app called PingoMeter. It is free and open-source. 

  1. Download PingoMeter from Github.
  2. Run the app (installation isn’t required).
  3. The app will add an icon to the system tray.
  4. If your ping is good, you will see a green graph on the icon.
  5. If your ping is normal, you will see a yellow graph on the icon.
  6. If your ping is bad, you will see a red graph.

Configuring PingoMeter

PingoMeter asks the user to set the maximum ping value which is then used to determine what is good, normal, and bad ping.

For example, the app sets maximum ping to 250 by default. By this value, my ping was always good. I reduced the maximum ping value to 100. My connection quickly showed that it was cycling through good, normal, and bad ping within seconds.

To get an even more accurate look at the ping, you can change the refresh interval from 3000 ms to something lower. The lowest value that you can set for it is 50 ms.

Ping alerts

PingoMeter allows users to set up alerts for when your connection has timed out, the connection has been lost, and when it has been restored.

To enable these alerts;

  1. Right-click the PingoMeter icon in the system tray.
  2. Select Setting.
  3. Go to Advanced tab.
  4. Enable the alerts you want to receive.

Change Ping address

By default, PingoMeter pings the Google DNS server for a response, which is reasonable. If you’d like to use the tool to monitor ping for a particular IP address, you can change the address in the app’s settings.

  1. Right-click the PingoMeter icon in the system tray.
  2. Select Setting.
  3. Go to the Advanced tab.
  4. Enter the IP address in the Ping IP address field. 
  5. Click Apply.


Ping is crucial for live events e.g., a live stream or an online game. If you’re browsing the web i.e., only visiting static websites, a high ping won’t be too much of a problem. That said, even for normal browsing, there will be a limit as to how high the ping can go before you run into problems.


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