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Save.me Is The Ultimate Clipboard Manager For Windows

The Windows Clipboard is probably one of the most used features of Windows. Most of us uses it a lot, hitting that Ctrl + C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl + V combination several times during the course of each day as we cut, copy and paste files across our storage media. However, whether itโ€™s a text snippet, an image or a URL, the default Windows Clipboard can not hold more than one item at a time. If you have to copy and paste multiple items when either the source or target is different, you have to do it one by one. Until Microsoft decides to enhance the functionality of the Windows Clipboard, developers will keep coming up with third party applications to fulfill the need. Each third party clipboard application has its own strong point, for instance, some automatically sort the clipboard entries into different groups, while others retain the clipboard entries even after system reboot. Today, we have a clipboard management application called Save.me that automatically saves everything you are working on, including text, images, URLs, files, and folders. It lets you manage the clipboard entries, letting you add new items, edit them, save them in files and delete the unneeded ones. You can even preview any saved clipboard item from right within the app.

Save.me is a portable application and can be launched directly from your computer or even a USB flash drive. Once started, it runs in the system tray and saves everything you copy to the clipboard. The main interface has the Actions and Views panel at the left side and clicking the Default or Research tab under Views opens up all the recorded entries in the center. Selecting any item enables its preview in the right pane, which is perhaps one of the most handy features of this app. Even better, selecting a recorded URL opens its corresponding website in the preview section, provided you are connected to the internet of course. Each clipboard entry is recorded along with its source, application name, last used date & time, and size information.

Save.me 2.0.0

Select any clipboard entry from the list to enable the Actions panel. It allows you to copy the item to clipboard, delete the selected item, open it or edit the entry. Right-clicking a recorded item provides you with the same options and in addition, allows you to Set/ Cancel a Reminder for it, share it on Facebook, assign a group name to it, and select it as protected or unprotected. Protecting an item locks it down so that you won’t accidentally delete it, while assigning groups to items helps you keep similar ones organized together, which can be really handy when working on multiple tasks or projects.

2012-12-11 15_39_07-Save.me 2.0.0

Click the system tray menu of Save.me and select Settings to configure the default settings of the application. It allows you to tweak options related to Personalization, Clipboard, Data Folders Translations, Email/ Facebook, Application, Sources and Integrity. It lets you specify application behavior, such as the type of clipboard entries to keep, size of clipped text, default data folders, list of languages for translating the text entries, options for sharing content through email and Facebook, hotkeys, and date & time format etc.


Enable the Show Sidebar option from the system tray menu in order to have quick access to your favorite clipboard entries, most recently copied ones, and the ones that you frequently use.

Save.me Sidebar

Save.me is a portable application and works on both 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Download Save.me


  1. I’ve been using Clipmate since it first came out. Chris Thornton, the author, has been updating it to fit new versions of Windows and winning awards for his work for years now. Lack of a clipboard utility even close in functionality has been a primary frustration of mine with Linux; Glippy and other such Linux clipboard extenders don’t come close. For Windows users, it’s at www.thornsoft.com/ if you’re interested (no, I have no financial interest or role of any kind with Thornsoft – I just like the program a lot, and have for years).

    • Hey, old boy, you “forgot” to say that this thingo costs not less than about 35 smackaroos… (Un-)nice try…

    • Yes, but after checking almost every clipboard manager, Clipmate is still the best and I still stick to it. Regretfully… it looks like Chris has stopped the development though.

      I like its GUI, the no-limit database, the export features, etc. However, as most people prefer ‘free software’ (and are prepared to accept some limitations here and there) over the shareware, latter group is diminishing and the quality with it I am afraid… ๐Ÿ˜‰

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