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Torch Music For Android Is A Social Song Discovery App From The Torch Browser Team

Music discovery apps like Spotify, Grooveshark and Soundcloud are awesome for listening to latest music for free, but not any of them offer an option to stream music videos. If you’re looking for an app that fills the void, try Torch Music – the latest effort from the team behind the well-known Torch Browser. This web and Android app lets you stream your favorite music videos and curate personal playlists of your choice. It’s a social network in itself as well, that allows you to connect your Facebook account with it and once connected, you can easily share your music with your friends and follow other Torch Music users. That said, you can also search for tracks and artists directly, or listen to what’s popular right now.

The interface of the app looks clean and simple with a flat design from top to bottom. When launched for the first time, Torch Music asks you to login to your Facebook account; just tap the pertaining button to get started. Alternatively, you can tap No Thanks, but that would revoke any music sharing features, of course. The home screen of the app carries album cover art as thumbnails for albums and artists, which are basically playlists created by various Torch Music users. You can scroll down this home screen to reveal additional content. In addition, you will find a small playback bar at the bottom edge that lets you control what’s you listening to right now. Swiping horizontally lets you switch between ‘Everyone’ and ‘People I Follow’.

Torch Music Torch Music Main

Tapping any thumbnail reveals the full track list of the playlist, accompanied by a small Play button. You can also tap-and-hold on a song to instantly start playing that track. As stated earlier, Torch Music streams music from YouTube, using different channels on the service for the purpose, including the ever popular Vevo, among many others. You cannot specifically select the channels to stream music from; however, the search function can come in handy to look for specific tracks or artists. Torch Media cites that the app is still in very early release and rolled out just to get initial feedback for improving on future versions, and iron out all the bugs before the final release.

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Overall, Torch Music is a very feature-limited app at the moment, but has a lot of potential as a great music discovery application. It’s available for free at Google Play and can be accessed on the web as well.

Install Torch Music from Play Store

Visit Torch Music


    • You might have some other issues… There isn’t any malware associated with torch music. I did the research first cause I’m very careful about what I’ll download. I’ve used it for months without any problem. Might want to debug and then see if it works.

  1. Love it! Great library.. I really like that torch music is completely free and I can listen to my playlists anywhere. Better than the other streaming options.

  2. Awesome app! I really like the fact that I can carry around my playlists everywhere…
    Definitely a bit buggy but it does say that it’s a beta version! Can’t wait for the full version!

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