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TileWindows Lite – Snap Windows At Left Or Right Side Of Screen In Mac

Mac OS X 10.7 offers a handful features to manage multiple active workspaces; you can switch between virtual desktops, view applications in full-screen mode, send and manage multiple application windows in Mission Control. In contrast to Windows 7 which allows user to quickly snap active windows at left and right side of the screen to view both app windows side by side, Mac OS X 10.7 doesn’t provide options to snap windows to both sides of the screen. TileWindows Lite is a small yet useful application which brings this very snapping feature to Mac desktop. TileWindows Lite is designed to move and resize application windows to view them side by side. Apart from having Windows 7 aero snap feature, it can resize the active application to fill complete screen area.

The application works from menu bar. You will find all 3 features listed in the menu with their respective hotkey combination triggers. When you want to send active app window to left half of screen, just use control+alt+command + left cursor key to trigger Left half function, i.e snap window at left side of the screen. Use the same combination with right cursor key to resize and move the window to right half of screen.

You can change default hotkey combinations from Preferences –>Shortcuts window. Click the hotkey you want to change and press the new combination to replace default one.


After configuring hotkeys, use the hotkey combination to move windows at left or right side of the screen.

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TileWindows Lite is a stripped down version of TileWindows, which costs $8.99. The standard version is an advanced window management tool that supports around 18 different ways to arrange multiple active application windows. TileWindows Lite works on Mac 10.6.6 10.7 or later.

Get TileWindows from App Store


  1. There is also Split Screen http://l.ginkapps.com/splitscreenapp . Its a much cheaper alternative and does exactly the same thing.

  2. > TileWindows Lite works on Mac 10.6.6 or later.

    Not according to the Mac App Store, which claims (and enforces) a Lion requirement.

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