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Download SwiftKey Beta 0.9.15 For Your Android Phone

Android OS’s greatness lies in it being open source, giving more room to developers to create marvelous applications, with more control and flexibility than other platforms can ever provide. Being a smartphone platform, input capabilities account for a lot when it comes to any device’s productivity. Hence, the keyboard application comes in question.

Let me clarify, I am not at all against the Android keyboard. It is reasonably good, and I do not have any major complaints with it. But it just isn’t enough. For someone like me whose text input exceeds the voice communication by a huge margin, the default keyboard just doesn’t pack it. So after trying various other third-party products, SwiftKey finally caught my attention.


This keyboard app takes predictive input beyond what HTC’s highly-praised IME keyboard can handle, and not only does it predict the current word but also attempts to guess the next one you are going to type, based on data gathered from your previous inputs. The guesses are made with great accuracy, and it was really impressive to note that in the full sentence quoted above, all I had to type fully were only two words, swiftkey and addictivetips.

Input settings are fairly similar to that of the default keyboard, and you can change them if you want some more customization.

input settings

SwiftKey will also let you view your usage stats, which can indicate how much your text input has improved due to using the application, and how your efficiency has gone up. However, I found it more fun than of any real use.


SwiftKey is not available for public use yet, but we bring the beta version for our readers exclusively. It was tested on Android OS 2.1, and found stable.

(https://www.addictivetips.com/app/uploads/android/SwiftKey-0.9.15-LIMITED.apk.zip) Download SwiftKey

[via SwiftKey]

1 Comment

  1. 0.9.15 has now expired. The official Android Market Beta launch is coming very soon… check www.swiftkey.net for more info!