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How to install the Cabinet GTK theme on Linux

The Cabinet GTK theme is a beautiful, modern GTK theme for the Linux desktop. It takes inspiration from many flat style GTK themes on Linux (like Adapta, Materia, etc), and adds in new color accents such as blue, orange, and green. In this guide, we’ll show you how to get it working on Linux.


Downloading Cabinet GTK

The developers of Cabinet host it on Gnome-look.org. To get your hands on it, head over to the Cabinet GTK theme page here. Once on the theme page,  look for the “Files” tab, and click on it with the mouse.

There are many downloads available for the Cabinet GTK theme, and they come in a lot of unique colors. To get the Cabinet GTK theme, you would like to use onto your PC, look for the blue download button in the “DL” column, and click on it with the mouse. Once you’ve clicked on it with the mouse, a pop-up window will appear on the screen. From there, click “Download,” and the file will save to your Linux PC.

Once you’ve downloaded the Cabinet GTK theme to your computer, move on to the next section of the guide to learn how to extract the files for the theme to your Linux system.

Extracting Cabinet GTK

The Cabinet GTK theme, like many other GTK themes for Linux, comes in a TarXZ archive. Before we can go over how to set up the theme on your Linux system, we must go over how to extract the TarXZ file.

To extract the Cabinet GTK TarXZ file on your computer, you must make use of the tar command in the terminal. To open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. Once the terminal window is open, use the tar command to extract the theme archive you downloaded.

Cabinet Dark Green

cd ~/Downloads
tar xvf Cabinet-Dark-Green.tar.xz

Cabinet Darker Green

cd ~/Downloads

tar xvf Cabinet-Darker-Green.tar.xz

Cabinet Light Green

cd ~/Downloads

tar xvf Cabinet-Light-Green.tar.xz

Cabinet Darker Blue

cd ~/Downloads

tar xvf Cabinet-Darker-Blue.tar.xz

Cabinet Light Orange

cd ~/Downloads

tar xvf Cabinet-Light-Orange.tar.xz

Cabinet Dark Orange

cd ~/Downloads

tar xvf Cabinet-Dark-Orange.tar.xz

Cabinet Darker Orange

cd ~/Downloads

tar xvf Cabinet-Darker-Orange.tar.xz

Cabinet Light Blue

cd ~/Downloads

tar xvf Cabinet-Light-Blue.tar.xz

Cabinet Dark Blue

cd ~/Downloads

tar xvf Cabinet-Dark-Blue.tar.xz

Once your theme file is extracted to the “Downloads” folder on your Linux PC, you can delete the TarXZ file from your PC. To delete it, use the following rm command in a terminal.

rm Cabinet-*.tar.xz

After deleting the Cabinet GTK theme from your Linux system, move on to the installation section of the guide to learn how to install the Cabinet GTK theme on Linux.

Install Cabinet GTK

Cabinet GTK theme has multiple methods of installation on Linux. The first method of installation for this theme is single-user, which makes it so that only the user that sets up the theme has access to it. The second method of installation is system-wide, which allows the user to share the installed theme with every user on the system, rather than just the person who installs it.

In this guide, we’ll go over how to install Cabinet in both ways, so you can get the most out of it. To start the installation, open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. After that, follow the command-line installation instructions below that corresponds with the style of installation you would like to do.

Single-user installation

To install the Cabinet GTK theme in single-user mode, start by creating a new folder called “.themes”. This folder is where the Cabinet GTK theme files must go if you choose to install the theme in single-user mode. Using the mkdir command, create the new folder.

mkdir -p ~/.themes

After creating the new folder, use the CD command to move the terminal session from the home directory (~) to the “Downloads” directory where the Cabinet GTK theme files are.

cd ~/Downloads

Once inside of the “Downloads” directory, the installation can begin. Using the mv command, place the Cabinet GTK theme files into the new .themes directory.

mv Cabinet-*/ ~/.themes

System-wide installation

To start the installation of the Cabinet GTK theme in system-wide mode, use the CD command to move the terminal into the “Downloads” directory.

cd ~/Downloads

With the terminal session inside of the “Downloads” directory, elevate your user account to root using the sudo -s command.

sudo -s

Finally, install the Cabinet GTK theme files to the /usr/share/themes/ directory using the mv command.

mv Cabinet-*/ /usr/share/themes/

Activating Cabinet GTK

You’ve just finished installing the Cabinet GTK theme on your Linux PC, but the setup process is not yet complete. You still need to activate Cabinet as your default GTK theme. To do that, open up “Settings” and search for “Appearance” or “Themes.” Then, change the default GTK theme to “Cabinet” to use it.

If you can’t figure out how to change the default GTK theme on your Linux PC, don’t worry! We can help! Check out the links in the list below to learn how to change the default theme on your Linux desktop.