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Download Podcasts In Windows, Mac And Linux With gPoddy

A podcast is a series of digital media files (audio or video) that are released in episodes which can be downloaded. Many famous TV series such as V (remake) release internet podcasts for their viewers after an episode is aired on the respective channel. Podcasts are not merely restricted by TV channels and are widely used by bloggers, independent media producers, YouTube enthusiasts and the like. gPodder is a simple application for Windows, Mac and Linux users that allows subscribing and downloading free audio and video podcasts from the Internet.

After installation, you can access gPodder in Ubuntu from Application –> Sound and Video. It comes with some default podcast suggestions. You can add podcasts from a URL or search on YouTube via the YouTube tab.

Default Podcast Links

After a podcast is added (either from a URL or by searching and adding it from the YouTube tab), a list of episode will be displayed automatically.


Just double-click on any of the available episode names and click Download to start the downloading process.

Download Episode

You can keep track of new episodes, delete episodes and import your podcast subscriptions (via Preferences) from a gPodder account from the Podcasts menu.


gPodder is an easy way of keeping track of your favorite podcasts from TV shows, blogs, YouTube, etc. Although gPodder is primarily designed for Linux based operating systems, it also works on Windows and Mac. Supported operating systems include the following: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Mac, Ubuntu, Fedora, Debian, Gnetoo, Free BSD and Open SUSE.

Download gPodder


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