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How To Update Ubuntu 11.04 Kernel To 2.6.39-0

Ubuntu 11.04 has many known issues mentioned on its release notes. One post mentioned the issue of a bad interaction between Unity, the GL driver and the kernel, which often hangs the system. Updating the default 2.6.38-8 kernel can resolve such issues. In this post we will tell you how to update the Ubuntu 11.04 Kernel to 2.6.39-0.

Note: Once the Kernel is installed, you will require restarting the system for the changes to take effect, make sure you backup all your data before applying the below mentioned changes.

Old Kernal

Open the Terminal and add the Kernel PPA (Personal Package Archive) by entering the following commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kernel-ppa/ppa

sudo apt-get update

Check available Kernal by entering the below command. The kernel should appear in the list.

apt-cache showpkg linux-headers

Finally, run this command to update your Kernel.

sudo apt-get install linux-headers-2.6.39-0 linux-headers-2.6.39-0-generic linux-image-2.6.39-0-generic --fix-missing

Restart your system for the changes to take effect. The system might become slow to respond during the restart, as the Kernel is updated.

Restart to complete update

To verify that the update has been successful, open System Monitor and head over to the System tab.

New Kernel


  1. Wow… Looks like ubuntu is turning into MS Windows…. Come on people get with it… if you can not create valid release then find another job or get out of the operating system business….

    • I’m having the same problem with this, not showing in the list…. 32 bit version

  2. The propriety ATI drivers simply don’t work for me on 2.6.39-0, I’ve seen this elsewhere too. Just a heads up

  3. Server currently installing now…. Do I have to remove this repository to go back to official kernel release times?

    • Considering that Oneric just got released, this might not be the latest, yet perhaps the most stable Kernel released till date for Ubuntu. Since the new release of Oneric is barely functional.

  4. You have to remove the: “style=”width: 718px; height: 80px;”>” form the kernel update command!

    • Thanks for pointing it out. It was a formatting error while publishing the post.

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