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How to install the McMuse-circle icon theme in Linux

The McMuse-circle icon theme is a beautiful, colorful, and modern set of icons for the Linux desktop. The Numix Circle icon theme inspires its design, but with a Mac-like twist.

If you’re in the market for a new unique icon theme that’s beautiful to look at, follow our guide below to learn how to install the McMuse-circle icon theme in Linux!

Downloading McMuse-circle

Before attempting to install McMuse-circle on your Linux PC, the icon files must be downloaded to your computer. To download the latest version of McMuse-circle to your Linux PC, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1: Head over to the McMuse-circle Gnome-look page. Once there, click on the “Files” button.

Step 2: Look through “Files” to go over the different download choices. Currently, there are 4 McMuse-circle download choices (McMuse-circle yellow, McMuse-circle green, McMuse-circle black, and McMuse-circle).

Step 3: Once you’ve decided on what version of the McMuse-circle icon files to download, click on the blue button next to it to bring up a download page.

Step 4: In the download page, click on the “Download” button to download McMuse-circle to your “Downloads” folder.

With the McMuse-circle icon files downloaded to your Linux PC, move on to the next section of the guide.

Extracting McMuse-circle

All of the McMuse-circle theme files are packaged in TarXZ archives. These archives are great for distributing things online. However, TarXZ archives do not work as themes, and as a result, they must be extracted.

To start the extraction process, open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. Then, with the terminal window open on your Linux desktop, run the CD command to move the terminal window from the home folder (~) into the “Downloads” directory.

Once inside of the “Downloads” folder in the terminal window, follow the command-line extraction instructions outlined below that corresponds with the version of the McMuse-circle theme you’ve chosen to download.

McMuse-circle yellow

To extract the McMuse-circle yellow TarXZ archive on your Linux computer, make use of the tar command on the McMuse-circle-yellow.tar.xz file.

tar xvf McMuse-circle-yellow.tar.xz

When everything is fully extracted, you will see two folders in the “Downloads” directory. These folders are McMuse-circle-yellow and McMuse-circle-yellow-dark.

McMuse-circle green

To extract the McMuse-circle green TarXZ file archive, run the tar command on the McMuse-circle-green.tar.xz file.

tar xvf McMuse-circle-green.tar.xz

Once the tar command is finished, you will see two folders in the “Downloads” directory. These folders are McMuse-circle-green and McMuse-circle-green-dark.

McMuse-circle black

Want to extract the McMuse-circle black TarXZ theme file on your Linux PC? Run the tar command on McMuse-circle-black.tar.xz with the command below in the terminal.

tar xvf McMuse-circle-black.tar.xz

After the tar command finishes extracting, two theme folders will appear in your “Downloads” directory by the name of McMuse-circle-black and McMuse-circle-black-dark.


Want to make use of the McMuse-circle icon theme on your Linux PC? Extract it in the “Downloads” folder with the command below.

tar xvf McMuse-circle.tar.xz

Once the tar command finishes extracting all of the files from the TarXZ folder, you will see two directories appear in the “Downloads” directory. The names of the folders are McMuse-circle and McMuse-circle-dark.

Installing McMuse-circle

To install the McMuse-circle icon theme, you will need to launch a terminal window. A terminal window is required, as it is the easiest way to move files around on Linux. Launch a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard.

With the terminal window open, follow the installation instructions outlined below for McMuse-circle. Keep in mind that there are two ways of installing this icon theme: single-user and system-wide. With Single-user, only one user has access to McMuse-circle. With system-wide, every user on your Linux PC has access to it.


To start the installation of the McMuse-circle icon theme as a single-user, you must first create the .icons folder. To do that, make use of the mkdir command below.

mkdir -p ~/.icons

Once you’ve made the .icons folder, move the terminal session into the “Downloads” directory using the CD command.

cd ~/Downloads

Install the McMuse-circle icon themes on your Linux desktop with the mv command below.

mv McMuse-circle* ~/.icons


To install the McMuse-circle icon theme system-wide, you must move all theme files from the “Downloads” directory to the /usr/share/icons/ folder as the root user. To do this, start by moving into the “Downloads” directory with CD.

cd ~/Downloads

Once inside of the “Downloads” directory, log into the root account by using the sudo -s command. Using sudo -s will allow you to stay in “Downloads” but it will give the terminal to root privilege.

sudo -s

Finally, install the McMuse-circle icons to the /usr/share/icons/ folder with the mv command.

mv McMuse-circle* /usr/share/icons/

Activating McMuse-circle

The McMuse-circle icon theme is installed on your Linux PC, but the work isn’t done. As it turns out, installing a new icon theme will not make any of the Linux desktop environments automatically start using it. Instead, you must tweak the icon settings so that it uses McMuse-circle, rather than the default one.

To change the default icon theme, start by opening up the “System settings” area of your Linux desktop. Then, inside of the “System settings,” locate “Appearance” or “Icons” and click on it to change the default icons to McMuse-circle.

Need help changing the default icons on your Linux PC? Look at the list of links below!

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