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Ubuntu One – Cloud Storage Service For Ubuntu, iPhone And Android Users

Ubuntu One is a personal cloud storage web service for Ubuntu users, much like the widely used Sugar Sync and DropBox. However, unlike the aforementioned services, it provides synchronization of not just files and folders but also syncs bookmarks (via Firefox extension), allows bandwidth restrictions (for downloading and uploading files) and has an application for iPhone and Android phones which can also be used to stream music. Every user gets up to 2Gb of free storage with an option to upgrade for a charge. It also has a cloud-integrated music store where users can purchase songs and get them delivered to their personal cloud to be synced with their devices.

To use this service you will require signing in with an Ubuntu One account. Optionally you can also use a Launchpad account to login. After installing Ubuntu One you can access it from System –> Preferences –> Ubuntu One.

Ubuntu One

To add a computer and manage other settings, login to your account.


The Account tab shows your account credentials, whereas, the Devices tab can be used to limit bandwidth and connect a system to your online account for synchronization of data.


To choose what content to sync with your online account and computer, check the required checkboxes. For instance, to sync bookmarks, check the Bookmarks option (after installing the required Firefox extension). Other options include, broadcast messages archive, contacts and files synchronization.


All synced content is saved in an Ubuntu One folder on your hard drive. To create a Panel shortcut, go to System –. Preferences, right click on Ubuntu One and choose “Add This Launcher To Panel”.

Saved Content

You can also login to your online account to upload/download stored files, contacts and creating quick notes. A Chrome extension has also been recently launched that can be intalled from the Chrome store. It creates a shortcut to the Ubuntu One service within the Chrome browser.

Upload Files

The Publish option allows users to create a quick short link to share the file with others. Which can be used after uploading a file.

Publish File

In a nutshell, Ubuntu One is a service for Ubuntu users to quickly access, synchronize and share content. It is worth mentioning here that although Ubuntu One is free for Ubuntu users, however, it provides a paid service for iPhone and Android users with a 30 day trial period.

Ubuntu One


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