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How To Get “Continue Watching” On Top In Netflix

Netflix keeps track of everything you watch. It does this for obvious reasons; to help you pick up where you left off a movie or TV show. It also helps you recall what you were watching. When you sign into Netflix, you can find everything you were watching under a ‘Continue Watching’ category. This category, and its position on the Netflix browse page is dynamic. Sometimes, it will appear as the top category when you visit Netflix. Other times, it will be much further down the page. If you prefer this category appear at the top, and you watch Netflix in Chrome, you can use Netflix Continue Watching to always get the Continue Watching category on top.

Without this extension, all Netflix categories appear below the featured content on Netflix. The featured content takes up a large part of the screen and all other categories appear below it. The extension doesn’t move or remove the featured content however, it moves the Continue Watching category above the featured content.

Get Continue Watching On Top

Install Netflix Continue Watching from the Chrome Web Store. This is what your Netflix browse page may look like before you install the extension. In the screenshot below, the Continue Watching category appears directly below the featured content however, this is by chance. Often, other categories will appear here instead of the Continue Watching one.

Once the extension has been installed, you will see the Continue Watching category pushed to the very top of the Browse page.

This extension doesn’t exactly represent an ideal situation. Ideally, the Continue Watching category should still appear below the featured content but above all other categories. Either that or it ought to have an option to hide the featured content. This layout works if you want the Continue Watching category to appear at the top but it takes away from the UI that you’re used to. You will need to remember that after installing this extension the new layout will be the Continue Watching category, featured content, and then other categories. It’s also a little disappointing that there’s no Netflix code for this category that you can use to jump straight to it.

A while back, Netflix used to always show the Continue Watching category at the top. As you can guess, not everyone was happy with this arrangement and Netflix succumbed to users’ demands. Now it seems not everyone is happy to have to scroll down and look for the category which proves you can’t please everyone. A more sane way to control this would have been to let users decide if the category should appear on top or not via their profile settings but that’s not the case.

This extension does solve the problem if you watch Netflix in Chrome but if you watch Netflix on Kodi, in the Windows 10 UWP app, or any of the mobile apps, there’s nothing that can be done.

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