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How To Get The Spring Creators Update – Windows 10

The Windows 10 Spring Creators Update is now available worldwide. Users will be able to get the Spring Creators Update through Windows updates however, the update may take a little time to arrive for everyone. The roll out depends on how you normally receive updates i.e. if the last major feature update rolled out after a few months, or several months, this update will likely follow suite.

Windows Update

To check if the update is available, open the Settings app and go to Update & Security. On the Windows Update tab, check for new updates. Chances are the new update is available, or it might already have been downloaded and is pending an install. If so, all you really need to do is click the ‘Install Now’ button. It can take anywhere between thirty minutes to two hours to install.

We strongly recommend you go over our post on prepping your system for a major feature update before you choose to get the Spring Creators Update via Windows Updates.

Media Creation Tool

If you want to get the Spring Creators Update right now, and don’t want to wait for Microsoft to roll it out to you, you can force the update. All you need is the Media Creation Tool and this time around Microsoft has been smart about releasing the Spring Creators Update via this tool.

With previous feature updates, the Media Creation Tool EXE was still called the Media Creation Tool. The only way to tell which Windows 10 Build it would download was to check the app’s version. This time though, when you download the tool, it will save with the name mediacreationtool1803.exe.

All you need to do is download the tool, and use it to update the current PC to the Spring Creators Update. The tool will update the current installation but you can use it to do a clean install.

Be sure to choose the correct version and architecture type when you download the Spring Creators Update with this tool. If you’re running a 32-bit version, you won’t be able to update to the next version if you’ve downloaded the 64-bit version. Likewise, make sure you get the right edition i.e. Home or Professional.

When you update using the Media Creation Tool, all your apps and files are left untouched. In both types of updates, a Windows.old folder will be created in your Windows drive (normally the C drive). It will let you roll back to the previous version within 30 days so make sure you don’t delete it until you’re sure that the new update is running smoothly.

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