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MyUnity: Comprehensive Unity Tweak For Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10

Ever since the introduction of Unity, the most tricky part of managing Unity-based options has been its customization. Previously, we brought you the Unity Launcher Editor and the Unity plugin for Compiz Config Settings Manager. Recently, a new tool was released for customizing Unity settings in Ubuntu 11.10, known as MyUnity. This tool provides full customization of Unity features, including the Unity Launcher, Dash, Panel, Desk and Font. MyUnity is a complete customization package for Unity users, and is far more comprehensive than other applications like Unity 2-D Settings, which are no longer compatible with Ubuntu 11.10. Details after the break.

You can install MyUnity in Ubuntu 11.10 and 11.04 by entering these Terminal commands:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:myunity/ppa  
sudo apt-get update  
sudo apt-get install myunity

Once installed, you can launch MyUnity from Dash, and start customizing Unity settings. The Launcher tab enables changing the size of the Unity Launcher icon size, its transparency, behavior, display and backlight, whereas the Panel tab makes it possible to tweak Unity transparency by keeping it active, half, optimal or disabled. The Desk tab can be used to adds some basic icons to the desktop (including home, networking, devices and trash). You can change the Unity font size, format (for document, system and monospace) and set font antialiasing and hinting from the Font tab.


The below screenshot demonstrates the changes that were applied to Unity using this application. We added a few desktop icons, changed Unity transparency, behavior and other display features.

Ubuntu 11

In case you would like to revert the changes anytime, click Default Settings from the bottom of MyUntiy interface. MyUnity package can also be downloaded from the developers’ website.

Download MyUnity


    • Well, the best option is either switch to Classic or switch to another variant, Xubuntu can be made to work much like Gnome2

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