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12 Best Firefox Add-Ons Of The Year 2014

Last Monday, we recapped the best Chrome apps and extensions we reviewed in 2014 and we’re ending the week with the 12 best Firefox add-ons we found last year. The list is short but the add-ons themselves add some great functionality to a very powerful browser.


1. Bookmark Sorter (An Automation Tool For Sorting Bookmarks)

bookmark sorter1

2. Keyconfig (Set Your Own Shortcut Key To Move Between Tabs)


3. Thin Bookmarks (Customize The Bookmarks Bar)

thin bookmarks option

4. Tab Colors (Highlight The Four Most Important Tabs You Have Open )

tab color

5. Silent Tab (Delay Page Loading Until You Switch To A Tab)

Silent Tab

6. LocationbarĀ³ (Make Each Segment In A URL Clickable)


7. Tab Groups Helper (Tab Management)

Tab Group Helper_Context Menu

8. Classic Theme Restorer (Get Rid Of Australis & Restore The Classic Theme On Firefox)

Restore Classic Theme Firefox 29_New

9. Clean Up Google Music (Remove All Suggestion Cards From Google Music)

google music

10. Click Modifiers (Change Modifier Key Behavior When Clicking Links)

click modifiers

11. OmniSidebar (Customize Firefox Sidebar Position, Accessibility & More)


12. Tab Deque (Improve The Way Firefox Opens, Closes & Orders Tabs )

Tab Deque

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